* January 11~17
Dr. Cho led the Hawaii crusades - He preached in Honolulu and Maui to about 15,000 participants.
* March 15
Dr. Cho was invited to preach in Brazil - The meetings were held in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo with about 80,000 people attending. He urged them to do their best in preaching the gospel of Jesus, because Jesus is coming again soon.
* April 15
Dr.Cho left for the crusades in Toronto, Canada, and New York. He led the Toronto Evangelization Crusade which was held at Centennial Stadium in Etobicoke, Toronto April 15 -16. He also led the New York Great Revival Crusade at Madison Square Garden April 17~19. Dr. Cho returned home on April 21.
* May 9~11
Dr. Cho's crusade in Germany, hosted by the European Mission United Association of the Full Gospel World Mission Department, was held at Offenbach City Hall, near Frankfurt. It was for Korean residents who are living throughout Europe. About 20,000 people who attended the three-day crusade experienced the grace of the Holy Spirit.
* June 2
Prayer Meeting for Saving the Nation and Unification of North and South Korea in Celebrating 30 years of Yoido Full Gospel Church - was held at Olympic Main Stadium in Seoul from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. with 150,000 people attending as well as the representatives and the heads of Christendom. The 150,000 people who filled the stadium prayed earnestly to restore their Christian virtue through repentance and prayer.
* August 23
Dr. Cho's crusade in Australia - Dr. Cho led a Pastors' Seminar and Revival Crusade for Australians at Christian Life Center in Australia. He also led a crusade for Korean residents at Sydney Full Gospel Church August 26-27. About 10,000 people attended each crusade and longed for the grace of the Holy Spirit.
* September 27
The 15th Pentecostal World Conference - Dr. Cho preached at the 15th Pentecostal World Fellowship Conference September 27~October 1, which was hosted by the World Assemblies of God Fellowship. The venue, Singapore Stadium in Singapore which has a 100,000-seat capacity was filled with people who eagerly longed for the Holy Spirit.
* November 7~10
Dr. Cho led the Church Growth Conference in Manila hosted by CGI. In the morning, 4,729 people attended the pastoral training seminars, and in the afternoon 10,000 people attended the meetings for lay people.
* November 15
The funeral ceremony for Rev. Jasil Choi was hold at the Yoido Full Gospel Church main sanctuary. Rev. Choi was like a kernel of wheat that fell to the ground and died for the growth of the church. She died on the mission field while she was preaching the Gospel even until the end of her life. She always said, "If I live, I will preach the gospel of Jesus. If I die, I will go to heaven." Thirty thousand people attended her funeral and remembered her dedicated life and example.
* November 21~23
Dr. Cho led pastoral training seminars in Indonesia at the Inter Conference Hall, with 6,000 pastors attending from all across Indonesia.
* December 18~20
Dr. Cho led a crusade in Hong Kong at the Hong Kong Cultural Center. The 9,000 people who attended during the day were preparing to make Hong Kong an advanced base for evangelistic missions in China.