Introduction : The highest mountain in the world is Mt. Everest in the Himalayas. Since it is the highest in the world, many people exert themselves in a challenge to climb up the mountain. About ten ways have been pioneered to climb up Mt. Everest, But it is still hard to climb the mountain if there is rain or the strong wind. Though you succeed to the top of Mt. Everest, it is difficult as well to avoid any accident when you go down. Therefore, anyone who attempts to climb up the Himalaya mountain must have guidance of a native as well as the strict training. No matter how well equipped and trained you are, without guidance of a native who knows the way well, you are open to accidents. Brothers and sisters, the new year is just like a mountain covered with snow. We do not know where to go in the snow-covered mountain. If we take a wrong way, we will be led to misery like James Kim. We are facing a new year, but we do not know how to live a successful life in another coming year. How can we live a good life in the new year? The way is to live with God in the new year.
1. God who opens the way 1) God who opened the way through the Red Sea (Ex 14:14-16) 2) Jesus who opened the way back to Eden that had been closed (Jn 3:16) (1) The way of forgiveness and righteousness (Heb 10:19-20) (2) The way of blessings (Gal 3:13-14) (3) The way of eternal life (Jn 5:24, 10:28) 3) Ask God who opens the way (Pr 3:5-6) - God is our only way. A presidential election is in the new coming year. Korea is facing many difficult problems. Do not depend on man (Pr 5:21, Ps 37:5-6, Ro 8:14)
2. God who leads the way 1) God who led the Israelites in the desert (Dt 32:10, Ps 136:11) 2) Paul´s missionary journey - the guidance of holding and leading (Ac 16:6-10, 14) 3) How to be led (1) Through people and circumstances (AC 10:5, 19-20) (2) Through the revelation of the Holy Spirit (Ac 8:26-30) (3) Through the desire of our hearts (Mk 10:51-52, Php 2:13)
3. God who accomplishes the work 1) God who works (2Co 6:1) 2) Call to me - The effect of determined prayer : 21 days of prayer, 40 days of prayer (Da 10:12, Ex 24:12, 18, Mt 4:1-2) 3) Expect what God will work - He helped you on the day of salvation (1Sa 7:8, Isa 62:6-7, Mt 7:7, 11)
Conclusion : A new year is the unknown world. It is too hard to go through our way of life with human thoughts and plans. God´s grace is the most essential key to our success in life.