Introduction : Christians seem to be abused, but in fact, they become rather glorious. They seem to be evil, but in fact, they turn out to be good. They seem to deceive others, but they preach something true. They seem to be unknown, but in fact, they are well known before God. Likewise, in the Christian faith, there is something paradoxical, which differentiates between God´s viewpoint and that of the world. Human beings are like jars of clay, but if they have Jesus in them, who died and was resurrected, they are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed, and they are revived like a phoenix. This is the real image of Christians.
1. Where there is much sin, the grace of forgiveness and righteousness overflows 1) Before a son was prodigal, he was very proud before his father and didn´t know the grace of the father (Lk 15:12) However, when he became prodigal and broken, he recognized grace. (Lk 15:17-19) 2) Those who are forgiven love greatly- a Pharisee and a sinful woman (Lk 7:37-38, 47-48) 3) The more we realize our sin, the more impressive the grace of Jesus on the Cross (1Ti 1:15) 4) The more we realize the filth and impurity of our sin, the more deeply we experience the grace of the forgiveness of Jesus (2Co 5:21, Eph 2:8)
2. Where there is disease, the grace of healing and health overflows 1) Those who are healthy do not need a doctor, only those who are sick - When we are sick, we realize the grace of redemption of Jesus´ healing (1Pe 2:24) 2) When we are weak, we can be strong (1) When we are healthy, we depend on our health (Isa 2:22) (2) When we are weak, we can live with health from the Lord by counting on Him, who is the power of life every minute and every hour - we live doing the bungee jump of faith every day (2Co 12:9, Ps 41:3-4) (3) We boast about our weakness (2Co 12:10) - We always experience that we can´t live without the Lord even for a moment, and we live ready to enter heaven anytime
3. Where there is poverty, the grace of richness and prosperity overflows 1) The hungry seek food, and the thirsty dig a well - Since we are poor, we seek God who is rich (1Sa 2:7-8) 2) God is not pleased with poverty - Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were not poor (Ge 24:35, 26:12-14, 32:10, Gal 3:9) 3) God did not create poverty (1) The richness in Eden (Ge 2:8-9) (2) The curse through corruption (Ge 3:17-19) 4) Jesus´ redemption and blessing (2Co 8:9; Gal 3:13) 5) We are rich with the Word and faith and experience richness - What we think, dream, believe, and speak changes (1Co 2:9, 2Co 1:20, Ex 23:25, Ps 23:1, Mt 25:29)
Conclusion : When we meet Jesus, our life changes paradoxically (2Co 5:17)