Introduction : Explanation of Acts 2:1-4
1. Adam became a living being through God´s breath of life 1) God formed all life out of the ground (Ge 2:19-20) 2) God formed Adam from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (Ge 2:7) 3) The double life of Adam (1) Physical life (2) Spiritual life - Physical life communicates with nature and spiritual life communicates with God (Ge 1:26, Job 33:4) 4) Spiritual life died due to Adam´s original sin, and communication with God who is Spirit was broken (Ro 5:12, Isa 59:2) - Our sin must be forgiven, and we have to receive the Holy Spirit, which is God´s breath of life, in order to be born again in the Spirit (Ro 6:23, Ac 2:38)
2. The miracle on the Day of Pentecost ¡Û The vision of Ezekiel (Eze 37:1-10) 1) The spirit died due to sin, and the world became like dry bones The breath of God entered humankind (1) The wind of the Holy Spirit makes sinners rise from the dead and receive spiritual life by accepting Jesus (Ro 8:2) (2) The wind of the Holy Spirit drives out the wind of decayed demons and brings heaven (Mt 12:28, Ro 14:17) (3) A strong wind means the strong work of the Holy Spirit of God 2) What seemed to be tongues of fire (Zec 4:6, 2Co 10:4) (1) Lead to the world of light from darkness by brightening the darkness of sin (Jn 8:12, Col 1:13-14) (2) Brings the warmth of love in a world of ice and chilly draft (Ro 5:5) (3) Fire is a disinfectant that burns impurities (Mal 3:2, Heb 12:29) (4) Fire has strength to make a new product (Ps 51:10, 2Co 5:17, Eph 4:24) 3) Speaking in other tongues (1) Spiritual communication with God (1Co 14:2, 14:15) (2) Speaking in other tongues is the revelation of the Holy Spirit (Ro 8:26) (3) Speaking in other tongues cleanses the mind (Isa 28:11-12)
3. Christianity is the work of the Holy Spirit 1) Not a study (Isa 11:2, 1Co 12:3) 2) Not a ceremony or formal religion (Jn 4:24) 3) Not an action of humankind (organization) (Mt 18:20, Eph 1:22-23, 1Co 3:16) 4) It is a movement of the Holy Spirit with the grace of atonement of the Cross of Jesus (Jn 14:16, Ac 1:8)
Conclusion : The Holy Spirit came to rest in the upper room on the Day of Pentecost. He is resting and working among the Church, which is today´s upper room. God drives darkness away -just like tongues of fire-by His breath like a strong wind, and He works through the speaking in other tongues to embrace all the people in the world.