"For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose."
Introduction: One day I went to a hotel for a meeting and met an old friend in the lobby. He said to me, "Long time no see. Why are you here?" I replied, "I´m here for a meeting. What are you doing here?" He said, "I have nothing to do after retirement, and I was loitering around the hotel and came here to have a cup of tea." I thought seriously about his words, "Why are you here?" Well, I have a mission on earth, and I came to build a church and evangelize the world. How about you? He had said, "I have nothing to do. I just wandered around, and that´s how I got here." A life without a purpose is a tragedy that has no meaning and value. It just comes and goes and sinks into oblivion like clouds.
1. God is the cause of our lives. - It is hopeless to live according to the theory of evolution (Ps 100:3). 1) We belong to God (Isa 43:1; Ps 139:16). 2) We were sent into this world (Jn 17:18; 15:16).
2. The reason why God made us. 1) Why do we give birth to a child? ⓛ For love, happiness, and hope for the future (Ps 127:3; Pr 23:18). ② God also loves us, is pleased with us, and He wants us to inherit heaven (Zep 3:17; Mt 25:34). 2) God sent us into this world. ⓛ To love and serve God. ② To love and serve our neighbors. - All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments (Mt 22:37-39). ③ To be happy and joyful (Ecc 3:12-13; 2:24).
3. Mission and talents. 1) The ways of humankind and the ways of God. ⓛ The ways of humankind are meaningless (Ps 127:1-2). ② The ways of God (Isa 55:8-9; Phil 2:13). - Find, seek and knock on the door (Mt 7:7-8; Jn 15:7). - Through hardship (Mt 16:25; Ro 8:17). - Joseph and Moses (Ps 23:4-5). 2) Talents from God-one talent, two talents, five talents (Mt 25:14-15, 23, 26).
Conclusion : There is no grass on earth without a name, nor is there a human being without a mission. We must find our mission.